Emergency Service, Liable?

An emergency mitigation service company may be responsible for damages caused in the course of mitigating a loss if the damages were the result of the company’s negligence or failure to use reasonable care in performing its services.


If the company was hired to provide emergency mitigation services, it has a duty to use reasonable care in performing those services.  This duty includes taking appropriate steps to prevent further damage to the property and to minimize the overall loss.


If the company fails to use reasonable care and its actions or inactions result in additional damage, the company may be liable for the cost of repairing that damage.  The company may also be responsible for any other damages that result from its negligence, such as lost profits or other economic damages.


However, if the company acted reasonably and in accordance with industry standards, and the damage occurred despite its best efforts, it may not be held responsible for the resulting damage.  Ultimately, the determination of liability will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of each case.